For many teachers school is about to begin (or may already have). If you are prepping for your upcoming school year you are CRAZY busy like I am. There are a hundred little things to do and no one understand this better than your co-workers! After all, we tread the same waters folks! :)
If you are also like me, you rely on these co-workers to see you through the year. These are the people you call last minute when you wake up to sick child, and you need sub plans STAT! These are people who ask you how your day is going and comfort you when things are tough, or encourage you when you need it most. These people are the same ones who sit across from you in PD and understand your thoughts from just a sideways glance. These are the people who will send a student with a lunch menu to your door with a note saying "I think we need to have a working lunch today!" They may even be the same people who send a student carrying a dictionary to your door, which you in turn know is code for "can this little kiddo hang with you for a bit, we NEED some time apart!!"
They are your peeps, your pals, your sidekicks. I think it's so important that we take a minute to show these people how much they mean to us, and how important they are to have around. Because, not everyone will run to the copy machine for you on their prep just because YOU ran out of copies. :) It just plain feels good to be appreciated and in turn be the person to appreciate others.
This picture was posted by a teacher friend and made me just laugh out loud. In her teammate's closet was this little hidden stash! How awesome would it be to have a teammate that knows you this well?! (and I can't help but giggle at the "note to self" on the
Cheez-its in the background: more enjoyable when shared with friends!)
Cheez-its in the background: more enjoyable when shared with friends!)
So, in a conscious effort to appreciate my own teammates I made a few little treat tags that I plan to use
with my teacher pals this year as well. (Stacey if you're reading close your eyes now! :) ) They include 8 different treat options that you can brighten someone's day with. Here are some examples:

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